1. The Obama regime is in favor of socialized healthcare. The Obama administration firmly believes that government-run healthcare is what America needs. It is important to understand that this healthcare legislation represents the biggest expansion of government power in over 70 years! In a nation whose success has always been driven by the principle of individual freedom, this socialist idea is absurd! Also, one must realize that socialized healthcare is expected to double our national debt, destroy the free market, ration healthcare, lower the quality of medical treatment, and cause half the doctors to flee! Oh, but Cuba has universal healthcare...and they have a black market for Aspirin! Folks, I am going to make it plain and simple: Barack Hussein Obama wants complete control over your life and your success.
2. Obama is against the concept of alliances. No American president has ever invested less time in maintaining US alliances than Obama. Whether it is condemning Israel (or sending Joke Biden there, who arrived 45 minutes late to the conference dinner...), trashing the Anglo-American Special Relationship, or siding with Marxists in Honduras against pro-American forces, the Obama regime has made an extra special effort to degrade our allies and praise our enemies! Great Britain, our mother country, is also unfortunately at the top of Obama's list of enemies. The man had the audacity to send back Churchill's bust! Also, when England gave us a valuable gift after Obama was sworn into presidency, Obama's "return present" was a box of DVD's that doesn't even work in Europe!
3. Obama hates America (and all of Western Civilization for that matter). When Obama was a Constitutional law lecturer at the University of Chicago, he made it abundantly clear that he is against the utmost basic principles upon which this great nation was founded. Obama was recorded on several occasions criticizing the Constitution. And it is crystal clear that Obama's presidency is a reflection of his anti-American ideology; after all, the man goes around the Middle East and "apologizes" for us naughty, naughty Americans! In one of the twit's speeches, he claimed that it is shameful that so many Europeans learn English, but when we Americans go to france, "all we can say is 'parlez-vous français'". Well, Obama, did you ever consider why that is? It is because America wins; people come to us and learn our language because we are the greatest and most powerful nation on the face of the Earth!
4. Obama thinks he can change evil regimes. From extending the hand of friendship to Ahmadinejad and Chavez to turning a blind eye to the life-threatening danger that our friend (which, by definition, means his enemy) Israel is facing, President Obamadinejad reveals that he is truly living in "La La Land" and has no sense of worldliness!
5. Obama trusts Russia. A key element of Obama's nuclear deal with Moscow is the ridiculous belief that Russia should be trusted as a partner of the United States and that the treaty does not restrict America's ability to deploy missile defenses. Russia, on the other hand, expects to have a veto over a US missile defense system.
6. Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist. From endorsing that raging anti-Semitic pastor Al Sharpton to praising Jeremiah Wright (you know, the guy who told black-on-black criminals that they were "fighting the wrong enemy", who said that America has "supported state terrorism", who changed "God Bless America" into "God Damn America", who blamed 9/11 on the fact that Bush supports Israel, who claimed that Americans live by "making sure that Third Word People live in grinding poverty", and who asserted that the government "lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color" ... the list goes on and on!), Obama has clearly shown his deep-seated hatred for white people. Obama has further demonstrated his racism with his notion that white CEOs hate inner city kids, specifically claiming, "And I really want to emphasize the world responsibility. I think whether you are a white executive living out in the suburbs who doesn't want to pay taxes to inner city children..." Yes, those sick, rich, and white CEOs who are capitalists are America's problem, according to Obama, as they don't care enough about kids in the inner city. Do I smell racism? I think so.
7. Obama is anti-capitalist. The quote above degrading white CEOs is just one of many times where Obama has condemned capitalism. He also once said, "My administration is the only thing between [CEOs] and the pitchforks." And this man is a leader?
These are just some examples of Obama's utter stupidity; trust me, I could go on and on. But I am going to stop here. Thank you for your time.
Nick, you need to have a bit more of a measured tone in your writing. You've devolved in to coming off as a youtube commenter at times, and I think that is perhaps the worst insult you can give a person when it comes to political speech. Right wing, left wing, whatever, who cares. But at least express your views in a way that is accessible, clear, and thoughtful. Whether you're right or wrong, at least make people feel like responding to you is worth their while.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you ranted on some chick's blog and referred to "the teachers" as manipulative propagandists and the "leftists" as "anti-American" completely shoots your own worldview in the foot. It makes you, to say the least, look like a crazy person who lacks empathy. It makes the ideas you stand for look juvenile and conspiracy-like.
In this post, your use of bold and lack of citations makes your opinion look very flimsy. You are making hugely loaded claims and your evidence is trite. Proving someone is a "deep-seated" racist requires more than what you have provided, same goes for anti-capitalist, being 'against alliances,' and hating America.