This Saturday, Glenn Beck gave a tremendous speech in Washington, D.C. entitled "Restoring Honor". He succeeded in giving a nonpartisan speech whose sole purpose is to honor America and our troops, and to help restore traditional American values. Beck effectively discussed the themes of faith, hope, and charity, which are key elements of his show (Those of you who are fortunate enough to watch it should know this!).
Beck said that one of his goals was to honor Martin Luther King's message. Wait a second... I thought that Beck was a "racist" like the liberal media and that Keith Olbermann figure portray him to be...WRONG! How could a racist person have this intention?
Although Beck is seen as a "religious nut", I believe that this is false. In his speech he did encourage people to pray often and in front of their children, but he is simply showing his spirituality. I watched his show Saturday night where he answered questions from high schoolers all around the nation. In his discussion he CONDEMNED religious intolerance, claiming that a major problem in America stems from people shoving their religion down others' throats. This statement would not have been made by a religious zealot.
Glenn Beck is not as extreme as the media portrays him to be. He gave a great nonpartisan speech this Saturday and clearly is not racist or a religious fanatic. Just because he is very conservative does not mean that he is a monster! I really appreciate Glenn Beck... of course not as much as Rush Limbaugh!
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Nick, I was unable to watch this Glen Beck special, so perhaps I'm not the most credible source. However, I ask you this: Even if Beck was the non partisan you say he was, is it not still possible for him to appear partisan because of his conservative background? I argue that because of his background and portrayal in the media, it is impossible for him to appear non partisan. As critical thinkers we must read into these biases and stigmas. It's the same idea when we look at a liberal figure like Michael Moore. If he were to make a liberal bashing documentary I highly doubt conservatives would see him as anything but liberal because of his leftist film background.