Friday, December 11, 2009

Is English More Important Than Math?

I saw on the graduation requirements for New Trier that is it necessary to take 4 years of English but only 3 years of mathematics. I thought that this was rather weird because I've always been told that math and English are the most important subjects that you can learn in school. But if this is truly the case, why isn't there a 4-year math requirement here?

English is extremely important, especially at the high school level. We learn how to compose analytical essays relating to the literature that we read. Learning how to read in between the lines (read on a deeper level) and write persuasive and cohesive papers is something that we will need to use for the rest of our lives. But whether you realize it or not, you will use the skills learned in math (I don't mean simple computation) in the real world as well. Math really teaches you how to think, how to solve real-world application problems, the step-by-step procedures of using logic, something that everyone needs. Memorizing really long formulas is not the point of math (unfortunately some people think it is); the point is to teach kids how to think logically.

Essentially, English teaches kids how to read, write, and argue. Math helps kids in solving real-world problems that require the use of logic. It seems like they are both equally important to me; therefore, there should be a 4-year math graduation requirement here at New Trier. But the thing about English is, even though many people speak it or are learning how to speak it, not everyone does. But math is a "universal" language - it doesn't take any certain language to understand the concepts of mathematics (so anyone can "speak math"!).

So what do you think? Is English more important than math? Should this graduation requirement be changed?


  1. To be honest, I actually think math is more important than English. What we learn in English is a more "discovery and high analysis" kind of thinking, where math is a more "low analysis and logic" kind of thinking. Unless you're a philosopher or a writer, more often than not, you're going to be using logic and simple analysis, by virtue of the fact that most of life's problems can be solved by them. I'm all for the fine arts, but math just seems more practical.

  2. I have to disagree with the batman, I personally think english is more important than math, but I know that I am being biased because the math and science departments are not my strong points. But I still think that once you get to the higher level maths, it becomes less of a necessity to know. The only math that I think will really help you in the real world is Algebra 1. Unless you are going to be a mathmetician or a scientist or a teacher of those subjects, a lot of the material covered in the math classes are just superfluous knowledge that I honestly don't think I'll ever use in my life. Math does teach you logic and problem solving, but that can be accomplished in Algebra 1. In english, you learn how to make arguments, which to me is extremely important. That's really what life is all about, just arguing your points. If you can't get people to believe you or side with you, you'll never go anywhere. That sounds rough, but it's true.

  3. I definetly agree that the graduation requirment should be changed, because both subjects, Math and English teach very important and invaluable skills. They both deserve equal attention, and they are esential to success in higher courses in college. After all, as my coach always says as a running metaphor, "if you rush building a house and dont spend time building the base, the house isnt going to last very long." The same applies for building a foundation for education.

  4. I think that math and English are equally important. However, I don't understand the graduation requirements. I feel like English and math should either be required for all 4 years each or just 3 years each. I would like it if 3 years was the requirement for both, but the 4th year you had to choose between English and math. I think this would give students the opportunity to choose want they want to focus on and give them a chance to see what they might be interested to major in during college.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I wonder if that has ever been changed considering all of the new technology in calculators? I don't know how it would effect it but I just think that it's interesting.

    And I don't think it's a matter of being more important than another. I'm with almost all sophomores in my math class, I'm just not good with numbers. But some of you I know are in precalc/ trig maybe even higher levels than that. And it's straight out of a book, it's a lot easier to take uniformly anywhere you are. So you take it say in a high school classroom..OR a college classroom. My guess is that they have four year requirement because a high school English class won't be taught exactly like a college one will, but math classes are like math there's an order to them and it's about the same no matter who's teaching it.
    Also, there's a lot more variety so your senior year there's a lot of options. Makes it easier to want to fill out that four year requirement. That's just me I really don't like math.

  7. Okay this is just a point for New Trier. I do not want to argue about which is more important, English or math, but I do want to say that it is hard for New Trier to require 4 years of math. With many students in the New Trier math program or accelerated (i.e. Algebra 1 in 8th grade) it would be hard for NTHS to tell New Trier Math students that they need to take Algebra 1 and Geometry before high school, then four additional years, when their peers only have to go up to pre-calc.
    And also, it is more beneficial to a student applying to college to be enrolled in an English course, because applications require essays, not equations.

    1. English is more important than maths, come to think of it even the logical problem mathematicians are solving they need to read and understand the problem first.
      There for you need to know the word arrangement, read the and understand them also to write them before solving.

      To access a university acceptance you need to write an essay or a letter to be addmited first.

  8. I think that math is more important than english because of mostof the things you stated in your answer just not the part where you said that you thinkthat english is just as important as math.

  9. thank you im an 7 grade student and i was looking at websites and this helped me get an A in this project thanks :)

  10. English is more Important the bottom line is this I'm not saying Math isn't important because you need to know how to manage money but if you think about it English is really more important because if you can't read and write how are you going to understand Math how are you going to withdraw money from the bank how are you going to get a job people are so caught up in Math so much that they forget they require to fill out a job application that grammar is going to count and the bottom line is this when it comes to these tests now and days you have to show work if I get x=3 for example you think they're going to give me credit? No because I didn't provide enough text evidence where's my work? That's basically all we do in our classes read and write especially when it comes to college they require you to write an essay hello!. All I'm saying is learn to read and write big time the biggest problem I noticed people have when getting problems wrong is either they didn't read the problem or their reading level isn't where it's supposed to be at and that's why so many preachers now and days misinterpret the scriptures in the Bible because they didn't read it correctly.

  11. Fuck people who said math

  12. To hell with those who said math

  13. English is much more better than math because without english we will not be able to communicate with each other

    1. I Augusto M. Korio. Support the motion that English is better than maths.
      Simple to note that all those in write against the important of english as a subject do there publication through writing in English and not figures, and for people to understand them is by reading there grammer.

      It's no point if argueing that English is better than maths cause the the world is day by day moving with english to communicate.

      Augusto M. Korio
      Kabala Secondary School

  14. Mathematics is obviously better than English, everyone needs mathematics to survive. If you like be a farmer you must use mathematics, from knowing the size of your farm to knowing the amount of seed you are to plant in the farm to how long will it take the plant to grow, you need mathematics. Mathematics is a language of nature

  15. Hi, my name is bob and I think Englis is way better than math. THis is because that I suck at math and I am good at english, also, I am Asian so I am cool

  16. yeah right math better
